Saturday, September 8, 2012

31 Day Challenge: Day 9 - Rainbow Nails

This challenge was to create rainbow nails.  As much as I would like to create little rainbows on my fingernails, I don't have a brush small enough for what I had in my head.  Instead, I tried something I haven't done before, half moon nails.  I did not like this look when I first started seeing it on blogs, but the trend is beginning to grow on me.  It was very easy to do, although I thought it looked a lot better before I took my camera to the manicure.  Have you ever thought, "Wow, my nails look fantastic!" and then load the pictures on to your computer and see all the little places you missed?  Well that is what happened today, and I've lost the sunlight to reshoot them, so this is unfortunately what I have.  I will say that since I stopped biting my nails, the cuticles are looking better, but not great.  Baby steps, baby steps.

I used so many colors/brands that I will not list them here.  I also used a tape-off method with scrapbooking scissors which made it easy, but the polish did bleed a little through when I lifted it (lifting too early perhaps?)   I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with!


  1. I notice my cuticles look so much better once I stop biting my nails for a while, and when I start biting them again they look awful.
    I like your rainbow nails a lot though. ^_^ I really need to try the half moon trend I think.

    1. Half of the reason I decided to try blogging was to make me quit biting my nails hehe. Thanks for commenting!
